Press materials (Mróz et al., 2020) by the OGLE Team (Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw)

A terrestrial-mass rogue planet candidate detected in the shortest-timescale microlensing event
P. Mroz, R. Poleski, A. Gould, A. Udalski, et al., 2020
Astrophysical Journal Letters, in press, doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/abbfad
preprint version: arXiv:2009.12377

1. Simulated visualization of a gravitational lensing by a free-floating planet in the Galaxy

The gravity of a free-floating planet may deflect and focus light from a distant star when passing closely in front of it. Due to the distorted image the star temporarily seems much brighter.
Credit: Jan Skowron / Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw.

Download video in various formats and sizes:

HTML5 video tag 25 fps 1080x600 (0.65 MB) 900x500 (0.48 MB) 720x400 (0.31 MB) 540x300 (0.21 MB)
Video WebM 25 fps 1080x600 (0.69 MB) 900x500 (0.61 MB) 720x400 (0.47 MB) 540x300 (0.32 MB)
Video MP4 25 fps 1080x600 (1.4 MB) 900x500 (1.4 MB) 720x400 (1.2 MB) 540x300 (0.83 MB)
Animated GIF 8/5 fps 5 fps 720x400 (8.2 MB) 8 fps 540x300 (7.8 MB)

Note: HTML5 can be directly embeded into the html web page source.

2. Changes of brightness during a gravitational lensing event caused by a free-floating planet

When the gravity of a free-floating planet deflects and focuses light from a distant star, we can observe temporary changes in star brightness.
Credit: Jan Skowron / Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw.

Download video in various formats and sizes:

English version | Wersja Polska
HTML5 video tag 25 fps 1080x600 (0.65 MB) 900x500 (0.48 MB) 720x400 (0.31 MB) 540x300 (0.21 MB)
Video WebM 25 fps 1080x600 (0.73 MB) 900x500 (1.10 MB) 720x400 (0.36 MB) 540x300 (0.23 MB)
Video MP4 25 fps 1080x600 (0.74 MB) 900x500 (0.61 MB) 720x400 (0.44 MB) 540x300 (0.33 MB)
Animated GIF 25 fps 1080x600 (3.9 MB) 900x500 (3.2 MB) 720x400 (2.6 MB) 540x300 (2.0 MB)
Tag wideo HTML5 25 fps 1080x600 (0.65 MB) 900x500 (0.48 MB) 720x400 (0.31 MB) 540x300 (0.21 MB)
Film WebM 25 fps 1080x600 (0.73 MB) 900x500 (1.10 MB) 720x400 (0.36 MB) 540x300 (0.23 MB)
Film MP4 25 fps 1080x600 (0.74 MB) 900x500 (0.61 MB) 720x400 (0.44 MB) 540x300 (0.33 MB)
Animowany GIF 25 fps 1080x600 (3.9 MB) 900x500 (3.2 MB) 720x400 (2.6 MB) 540x300 (2.0 MB)

Note: HTML5 can be directly embeded into the html web page source.

3. Frames from the 1st animation — still images

An artist's impression of a gravitational microlensing event by a free-floating planet.
Credit: Jan Skowron / Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw.

Download image in various formats and sizes:

JPG image v1 1080x600 (0.50 MB) 900x500 (0.35 MB) 720x400 (0.21 MB) 540x300 (0.13 MB)
PNG image v1 1080x600 (1.6 MB) 900x500 (1.1 MB) 720x400 (0.73 MB) 540x300 (0.43 MB)
JPG image v2 1080x600 (0.50 MB) 900x500 (0.35 MB) 720x400 (0.21 MB) 540x300 (0.13 MB)
PNG image v2 1080x600 (1.6 MB) 900x500 (1.1 MB) 720x400 (0.73 MB) 540x300 (0.43 MB)

4. Frames from the 2nd animation — still images

Changes of brightness of the observed star during the gravitational microlensing event by a free-floating planet.
Credit: Jan Skowron / Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw.

Download image in various formats and sizes:

English version | Wersja Polska
JPG image v1 1080x600 (0.03 MB) 900x500 (0.01 MB) 720x400 (0.01 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
PNG image v1 1080x600 (0.03 MB) 900x500 (0.02 MB) 720x400 (0.02 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
JPG image v2 1080x600 (0.04 MB) 900x500 (0.03 MB) 720x400 (0.02 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
PNG image v2 1080x600 (0.04 MB) 900x500 (0.03 MB) 720x400 (0.03 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
obraz JPG v1 1080x600 (0.03 MB) 900x500 (0.01 MB) 720x400 (0.01 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
obraz PNG v1 1080x600 (0.03 MB) 900x500 (0.02 MB) 720x400 (0.02 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
obraz JPG v2 1080x600 (0.04 MB) 900x500 (0.03 MB) 720x400 (0.02 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)
obraz PNG v2 1080x600 (0.04 MB) 900x500 (0.03 MB) 720x400 (0.03 MB) 540x300 (0.02 MB)

Email: Jan Skowron <>