This archive contains data presented in the article "The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Variable Stars in the Field of Open Cluster NGC 6259 by A. Ciechanowska et al. (2006, Acta Astronomica, 56, 219): 1. Figures.tar.gz - an archive with figures (files Fig*.ps) 2. curves.tar.gz - an archive with I-band light curves of all variable stars (files V*.dat, file format: HJD-2450000 I err_I) 3. charts.tar.gz - an archive with finding charts of all variable stars (files V*.ps) 4. cmdngc6259.dat - a text file with data for all stars in NGC 6755 (full version of Table 2 from article). The file format is: star_ID RA_2000 DEC_2000 V err_V I err_I V-I 5. README - this file