This directory contains OGLE-III photometric maps of the Galactic Disk fields observed during the OGLE-III phase of the OGLE survey. The directory structure is as follows: README - this file - data for subfield CAR100.1 - data for subfield CAR100.2 - data for subfield CAR100.3 - data for subfield CAR100.4 - data for subfield CAR100.5 - data for subfield CAR100.6 - data for subfield CAR100.7 - data for subfield CAR100.8 - data for subfield CAR101.1 - data for subfield CAR101.2 ... ... - data for subfield MUS101.1 - data for subfield MUS101.2 - data for subfield MUS101.3 - data for subfield MUS101.4 - data for subfield MUS101.5 - data for subfield MUS101.6 - data for subfield MUS101.7 - data for subfield MUS101.8 car100.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.1 (2180x4176) car100.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.2 (2180x4176) car100.I.3.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.3 (2180x4176) car100.I.4.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.4 (2180x4176) car100.I.5.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.5 (2180x4176) car100.I.6.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.6 (2180x4176) car100.I.7.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.7 (2180x4176) car100.I.8.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR100.8 (2180x4176) car101.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR101.1 (2180x4176) car101.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield CAR101.2 (2180x4176) ... ... mus101.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.1 (2180x4176) mus101.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.2 (2180x4176) mus101.I.3.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.3 (2180x4176) mus101.I.4.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.4 (2180x4176) mus101.I.5.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.5 (2180x4176) mus101.I.6.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.6 (2180x4176) mus101.I.7.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.7 (2180x4176) mus101.I.8.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield MUS101.8 (2180x4176) gd.fields - equatorial and galactic coordinates of the OGLE-III Galactic disk fields. - Postscript version of the paper Szymanski et al.(2010), Acta Astron. 60, 295, describing the maps. All *.gz files are compressed with the gzip program. Format of maps in C-language is: "%6d %10s %11s %7.2f %7.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %4d %2d %5.3f\n" with columns: V-band I-band DB_no RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) X_ref Y_ref V V-I I Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig where DB_no - number in the database, RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates, X_ref,Y_ref - pixel coordinates in the I-band reference image, V, V-I, I - photometry data, Ng - number of "good" measurements, Nb - number of "bad" (removed with 5 sigma rejection alghoritm) measurements, sig - standard deviation of "good" measurements. Here is a sample of data from the CAR100.1 subfield map: 1 11:07:04.46 -61:23:31.8 294.26 49.94 16.459 1.788 14.670 3 0 0.002 1682 0 0.010 2 11:07:04.80 -61:22:34.5 514.49 60.12 14.823 0.715 14.108 3 0 0.004 1874 3 0.008 3 11:07:08.48 -61:23:07.3 387.98 161.32 15.424 0.948 14.476 3 0 0.002 2678 1 0.006 4 11:07:09.05 -61:22:35.5 510.34 177.54 15.448 0.902 14.546 3 0 0.001 2680 0 0.010 5 11:07:09.77 -61:23:00.5 414.15 196.89 15.609 1.235 14.374 3 0 0.005 2668 15 0.008 6 11:07:10.38 -61:22:38.8 497.40 214.18 15.374 0.970 14.404 3 0 0.002 2683 1 0.006 7 11:07:11.95 -61:24:33.9 54.68 255.49 99.999 9.999 99.999 0 0 9.999 0 0 9.999 8 11:07:13.81 -61:22:38.7 497.27 308.60 99.999 9.999 99.999 0 0 9.999 0 0 9.999 9 11:07:14.71 -61:23:24.8 320.12 332.82 14.317 9.999 99.999 3 0 0.003 0 0 9.999 10 11:07:15.12 -61:24:12.6 136.06 343.20 15.483 0.949 14.533 3 0 0.000 2481 9 0.008 11 11:07:17.16 -61:23:10.4 375.12 400.59 16.409 2.265 14.144 3 0 0.002 2681 3 0.006 12 11:07:17.27 -61:22:36.1 507.05 404.21 15.911 1.076 14.836 3 0 0.004 2682 2 0.007 13 11:07:18.37 -61:22:27.6 539.58 434.63 15.302 0.621 14.680 3 0 0.001 2680 4 0.005 14 11:07:18.71 -61:23:15.3 356.00 443.00 15.325 0.720 14.604 3 0 0.002 2682 2 0.004 15 11:07:19.02 -61:24:32.3 59.97 450.24 99.999 9.999 99.999 0 0 9.999 0 0 9.999 16 11:07:20.58 -61:23:06.6 389.55 494.91 14.783 9.999 99.999 3 0 0.003 0 0 9.999 17 11:07:21.50 -61:23:21.7 331.12 519.86 15.640 0.917 14.724 3 0 0.001 2683 1 0.006 18 11:07:06.16 -61:23:50.7 221.36 96.46 15.989 1.018 14.971 3 0 0.004 2422 1 0.009 19 11:07:07.09 -61:23:50.7 221.25 122.10 15.951 1.208 14.743 3 0 0.004 2600 2 0.006 20 11:07:07.13 -61:24:18.3 115.32 122.81 16.258 1.182 15.076 3 0 0.002 2259 5 0.007 21 11:07:09.32 -61:24:12.8 136.18 183.21 15.448 0.664 14.784 3 0 0.004 2486 2 0.007 22 11:07:09.65 -61:22:39.9 493.33 193.96 16.764 1.315 15.449 3 0 0.004 2679 4 0.006 WARNING!!! "Magic" numbers: 99.999 for magnitude and 9.999 for color and standard deviation denote "no measurement". -1 in the N_b V-band column indicates that the V-band counterpart of an object was found in more than one subfield and the photometry was merged. Please NOTE: Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the OGLE-III VI maps of the Galactic Disk should cite the apropriate OGLE paper(s).