This directory contains OGLE-III maps of the Small Magellanic Cloud fields observed during the OGLE-III phase of the OGLE survey. The directory structure is as follows: README - this file - data for subfield SMC100.1 - data for subfield SMC100.2 - data for subfield SMC100.3 - data for subfield SMC100.4 - data for subfield SMC100.5 - data for subfield SMC100.6 - data for subfield SMC100.7 - data for subfield SMC100.8 - data for subfield SMC101.1 - data for subfield SMC101.2 ... ... - data for subfield SMC140.1 - data for subfield SMC140.2 - data for subfield SMC140.3 - data for subfield SMC140.4 - data for subfield SMC140.5 - data for subfield SMC140.6 - data for subfield SMC140.7 - data for subfield SMC140.8 smc100.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.1 (2180x4176) smc100.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.2 (2180x4176) smc100.I.3.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.3 (2180x4176) smc100.I.4.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.4 (2180x4176) smc100.I.5.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.5 (2180x4176) smc100.I.6.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.6 (2180x4176) smc100.I.7.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.7 (2180x4176) smc100.I.8.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC100.8 (2180x4176) smc101.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC101.1 (2180x4176) smc101.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC101.2 (2180x4176) ... ... smc140.I.1.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.1 (2180x4176) smc140.I.2.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.2 (2180x4176) smc140.I.3.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.3 (2180x4176) smc140.I.4.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.4 (2180x4176) smc140.I.5.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.5 (2180x4176) smc140.I.6.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.6 (2180x4176) smc140.I.7.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.7 (2180x4176) smc140.I.8.fts.gz - I-band reference image of the subfield SMC140.8 (2180x4176) smc.fields - coordinates of the OGLE-III SMC fields. - Postscript version of the paper Udalski et al (2008), Acta Astron. 58, 329, describing the maps. All *.gz files are compressed with the gzip program. Format of maps in C-language is: "%6d %10s %11s %7.2f %7.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %3d %2d %5.3f %4d %2d %5.3f\n" with columns: V-band I-band DB_no RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) X_ref Y_ref V V-I I Ng Nb sig Ng Nb sig where DB_no - number in the database, RA, DEC - equatorial coordinates, X_ref,Y_ref - pixel coordinates in the I-band reference image, V, V-I, I - photometry data, Ng - number of "good" measurements, Nb - number of "bad" (removed with 5 sigma rejection alghoritm) measurements, sig - standard deviation of "good" measurements. Here is a sample of data from the SMC100.1 subfield map: 1 0:50:20.07 -73:26:12.4 111.80 248.72 15.604 1.417 14.187 79 -1 0.009 632 0 0.007 2 0:50:20.75 -73:26:16.5 96.03 259.84 15.439 9.999 99.999 84 -1 0.162 0 0 9.999 3 0:50:22.88 -73:22:49.7 890.62 296.56 16.405 2.562 13.843 43 0 0.103 632 0 0.132 4 0:50:24.11 -73:23:26.0 751.11 316.56 15.198 1.428 13.771 43 0 0.008 632 0 0.006 5 0:50:25.52 -73:25:02.9 378.77 338.82 14.661 0.516 14.146 43 0 0.004 632 0 0.005 6 0:50:43.65 -73:23:26.7 747.78 638.00 15.826 1.472 14.355 43 0 0.011 631 1 0.006 7 0:50:45.55 -73:24:20.2 542.06 668.58 14.393 1.493 12.900 43 0 0.012 631 1 0.012 8 0:50:48.59 -73:24:59.5 390.82 717.94 15.257 0.970 14.287 43 0 0.007 619 13 0.009 9 0:50:50.04 -73:23:39.6 698.01 743.08 13.543 0.281 13.262 43 0 0.004 632 0 0.006 10 0:50:06.50 -73:22:27.5 976.42 26.98 16.395 1.184 15.210 23 0 0.008 482 0 0.010 11 0:50:10.41 -73:22:53.4 876.76 91.34 16.295 1.206 15.089 42 0 0.007 629 0 0.006 12 0:50:12.78 -73:26:06.9 132.90 129.05 17.680 3.186 14.494 74 -1 0.309 632 0 0.156 13 0:50:12.61 -73:22:17.5 1014.63 127.74 16.908 1.712 15.196 43 0 0.022 632 0 0.014 14 0:50:15.59 -73:25:58.8 164.01 175.25 14.503 -0.017 14.520 77 -1 0.017 632 0 0.007 15 0:50:17.28 -73:25:07.5 361.46 203.35 14.918 -0.096 15.014 43 0 0.006 632 0 0.006 16 0:50:19.51 -73:23:16.0 789.87 240.95 16.655 1.377 15.278 43 0 0.009 632 0 0.006 17 0:50:21.71 -73:22:30.3 965.12 277.45 14.704 -0.087 14.791 43 0 0.004 632 0 0.006 18 0:50:24.06 -73:22:24.7 986.65 316.33 16.193 1.300 14.893 43 0 0.011 632 0 0.006 19 0:50:24.31 -73:25:47.3 208.37 318.50 15.129 0.127 15.002 43 0 0.027 632 0 0.026 20 0:50:29.20 -73:23:44.2 681.29 400.13 16.880 1.611 15.269 43 0 0.019 632 0 0.013 21 0:50:33.25 -73:23:22.4 764.79 467.07 15.713 0.618 15.094 43 0 0.066 632 0 0.034 22 0:50:36.24 -73:26:17.8 90.33 514.02 15.995 1.286 14.709 84 -1 0.011 627 0 0.006 WARNING!!! "Magic" numbers: 99.999 for magnitude and 9.999 for color and standard deviation denote "no measurement". -1 in the N_b V-band column indicates that the V-band counterpart of an object was found in more than one subfield and the photometry was merged. !!! Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from the OGLE-III VI maps of the SMC should cite the apropriate OGLE paper(s). !!!