Field Name R.A. DEC NVEL1999 10:44:49 -52:25:35 GRB980923 5:07:48 -80:36:00 LMC_1 5:10:00 -68:10:00 LMC_2 5:10:00 -70:00:00 LMC_3 5:40:00 -68:10:00 LMC_4 5:40:00 -70:00:00 Centaurus_1 11:35:00 -60:00:00 Centaurus_2 11:35:00 -61:50:00 Centaurus_3 11:35:00 -63:40:00 Octans_1 12:00:00 -85:00:00 Virgo 12:30:00 3:00:00 Coal_Sack 12:50:00 -63:00:00 PG1323-086 13:25:00 -8:50:50 Centaurus_4 13:50:00 -30:00:00 Centaurus_5 13:50:00 -31:50:00 Libra 15:05:00 -15:00:00 Sagittari_1 17:00:00 -22:30:00 Scorpio 17:55:00 -35:00:00 Sagittari_2 18:00:00 -23:30:00 Sagittari_3 19:00:00 -22:30:00 Corona_A 19:00:00 -40:00:00 Sagittari_4 20:00:00 -20:30:00 Capricorn_1 21:00:00 -17:00:00 Capricorn_2 22:00:00 -12:00:00 Aquarius 23:00:00 -6:30:00 Pisces 0:00:00 0:00:00 S-092 0:55:00 1:00:00 S-093 1:55:00 0:45:00 S-094 2:56:00 0:30:00 S-095 3:53:00 0:00:00 S-096 4:52:00 0:00:00 S-097 5:57:00 0:00:00 S-098 6:51:00 -0:20:00 S-099 7:56:00 -0:20:00 S-100 8:53:00 -0:40:00 S-101 9:57:00 -0:30:00 S-102 10:57:00 -0:20:00 S-103 11:56:00 -0:30:00 S-104 12:43:00 -0:30:00 S-105 13:37:00 -0:20:00 S-106 14:40:00 -0:10:00 S-107 15:40:00 -0:20:00 S-108 16:37:00 0:20:00 S-109 17:45:00 0:00:00 S-110 18:41:00 0:10:00 S-111 19:38:00 0:10:00 S-112 20:42:30 0:10:00 S-113 21:41:00 -0:20:00 S-114 22:40:00 1:00:00 S-115 23:40:00 1:00:00
Presented data show Centaurus_1 Region, crowded field in the Milky Way. Current data set covers 8 nights (April 7-14) and consists of over 80 images. Each frame contains more than 6000 stars above 4-sigma thresold. There are few saturated stars as well as few bright unresolved blends in the image. The brightest star (1/5 from bottom 4/10 from left) is SAO....
The following magnitude vs. magnitude dispersion diagram presents intrinsic variation of the stars' aperture photometry as a function of the star brightness. Solid line delimiters "variable candidates"; their corresponding "light variation" curves are shown below.
Picture below shows "constant stars" - for which star brightness disspersion is smaller than average:
Next picture shows "variable stars" - for which star brightness disspersion is much larger than average (it is obvious, that for a while many "variables" are due to individual outstanding points, probably missidentifications):
Stars brighter than magnitude 7 are may contain saturated pixels and therefore their magnitudes are only approximate.