Proseminaria Studenckie. Semestr zimowy

Prowadzący: prof. Dorota Rosińska, prof. Grzegorz Pojmański; tel. 22-553-05-07 w. 110

Następne spotkanie: Wtorek, godzina 14:00

Terminy seminariów

Semestr zimowy 01/10/2023 - 18/02/2024
03/10/2023Zajęcia organizacyjne
10/10/2023Maja Gwizdalska 1
Anna Jabłonowska1
Red Quasars
Detection of the Keplerian decline in the Milky Way rotation curve
17/10/2023Jan Kaszuba 1
Michał Maciejewski 1
Bursty Star Formation Naturally Explains the Abundance of Bright Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn
Black Hole Images as Tests of General Relativity: Effects of Spacetime Geometry
24/10/2023Uliana Pylypienko 1
Małgorzata Woźniak 1
Failed supernovae as a natural explanation for the binary black hole mass distribution
A rotating white dwarf shows different compositions on its opposite faces
31/10/2023Patryk Piskorski 1
Mateusz Kapusta 1
Stress testing ΛCDM with high-redshift galaxy candidates
A red giant orbiting a black hole
07/11/2023Jakub Szyndler
Dominik Przybysz 1
A review of quasi-periodic oscillations from black hole X-ray binaries: observation and theory
First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring
14/11/2023Michał Małkowski 1
Jakub Mucha 1
Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST
Peekaboo: the extremely metal poor dwarf galaxy HIPASS J113-31
21/11/2023Michał Radziwonowicz 1
Piotr Płonka 1
An extremely massive white dwarf escaped from the Hyades Star Cluster
A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images II. Variable objects in the northern ecliptic hemisphere
28/11/2023Arkadius Hess 1
Anita Janicka 1
Modified Newtonian Dynamics as an Alternative to the Planet Nine Hypothesis
Very Massive Star Models: I. Impact of Rotation and Metallicity and Comparisons with Observations.
05/12/2023Jakub Szyndler 1
Michał Maciejewski 2
A review of quasi-periodic oscillations from black hole X-ray binaries: observation and theory
Black dwarf supernova in the far future
12/12/2023Anna Jabłonowska 2
Jan Kaszuba 2

Using black holes as rechargeable batteries and nuclear reactors
19/12/2023Godziny dziekańskie
26/12/2023Wakacje zimowe
02/01/2024Wakacje zimowe
09/01/2024Maja Gwizdalska 2
Uliana Pylypienko 2
The Prevalence and Influence of Circumstellar Material around Hydrogen-rich Supernova Progenitors
Bipolar outflows out to 10 kpc for massive galaxies at redshift z~1
16/01/2024Małgorzata Woźniak 2
Patryk Piskorski 2
Wykrycie i obserwacje SN II SN2023ixf. Wysoka i zmienna utrata masy w roku przed wybuchem.
Discovery of a resolved white dwarf–brown dwarf binary with a small projected separation: SDSS J222551.65+001637.7AB
23/01/2024Mateusz Kapusta 2
Jakub Szyndler 2
27/02/2024Dominik Przybysz 2
Michał Małkowski 2
Monthly quasi-periodic eruptions from repeated stellar disruption by a massive black holear
Probing black hole charge with gravitational microlensing of gravitational waves
05/03/2024Małgorzata Woźniak 3
Michał Radziwonowicz 2
Fast as Potoroo: Radio Continuum Detection of a Bow-Shock Pulsar Wind Nebula Powered by Pulsar J1638–4713
Two Remarkably Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z ≈ 10 − 12 Revealed by JWST
12/03/2024Piotr Płonka 2
Arkadius Hess 2
WST Directly Images Giant Planet Candidates Around Two Metal-polluted White Dwarf Stars
19/03/2024Jakub Szyndler 3
Maja Gwizdalska 3

Outshining by Recent Star Formation Prevents the Accurate Measurement of High-z Galaxy Stellar Masses
26/03/2024Plan czwartkowy - nie ma zajęć
02/04/2024Wakacje wiosenne
09/04/2024Anita Janicka 2
Anna Jabłonowska 3
16/04/2024Jan Kaszuba 3
Michał Maciejewski 3
Stellar black holes can "stretch" supermassive black hole accretion disks
Dowód na istnienie tła fal grawitacyjnych.
23/04/2024Uliana Pylypienko 3
Arkadiusz Hess 3
Disentangling the Black Hole Mass Spectrum with Photometric Microlensing Surveys
30/04/2024Mateusz Kapusta 3
Dominik Przybysz 3
Ordered magnetic fields around 3c84 central black hole
Final Moments. I. Precursor Emission, Envelope Inflation, and Enhanced Mass Loss Preceding the Luminous Type II Supernova 2020tlf
07/05/2024Michał Małkowski 3
MichaŁ Radziwonowicz 3
Impact of Lensing of Gravitational Waves on the Observed Distribution of Neutron Star Masses
Detecion of an excess of young stars in the Galactic CenterB1 region
14/05/2024Piotr Płonka 3
Patryk Piskorski 3

Which Came First: Supermassive Black Holes or Galaxies? Insights from JWST
21/05/2024Anita Janicka 3 (30 min)
Piotr Płonka
Małgorzata Woźniak 10 min
Anna Jabłonowska 10 min
Jan Kaszuba 10 min
Cefeida o najdłuższym okresie
Błyski gamma
Naj,naj w astronomii 2023
28/05/2024Anita Janicka 3 (30 min)
Michał Maciejewski 10 min
Uliana Pylypienko 10 min
Maja Gwizdalska 10 min
Patryk Piskorski 10 min
04/06/2024Patric Piskorski
Anna Jabłonowska 10 min
Mateusz Kapusta 10 min
Dominik Przybysz 10 min
Michał Małkowski 10 min
Michał Radziwonowicz 10 min
Astronomia wieloaspektowa
Obserwacyjne przesłanki istnienia czarnych dziur i gwiazd neutronowych
Dormant black hole
MilkyWay like barred Spiral Galaxy Ceers 2112
TESS free floating planets
Satellite Megaconstellations
11/06/2024Anita Janicka 10 min
Piotr Płonka 10 min
Arkadius Hess 10 min
Jakub Szyndler 10 min

Najbardziej Energetyczne Promieniowanie Kosmiczne
Astrometric Detection of Ultralight Dark MAtter
Galctic Habitable Zone
Uczestnicy PsemIII - V (II) rok
Maja Gwizdalska
Anna Jabłonowska
Jan Kaszuba
Michał Maciejewski
Patrick Piskorski
Uliana Pylypienko
Małgorzata Woźniak
Uczestnicy PsemI - IV (I) rok
Jakub Szyndler
Mateusz Kapusta
Dominik Przybysz
Michał Małkowski
Jakub Mucha
Michał Radziwonowicz
Piotr Płonka
Arkadiusz Hess
Anita Janicka

Tematy do wzięcia:

From Discovery to the First Month of the Type II Supernova 2023ixf: High and Variable Mass Loss in the Final Year before ExplosionarXiv:2307.03165
Millimeter Observations of the Type II SN 2023ixf: Constraints on the Proximate Circumstellar MediumarXiv:2306.09311
Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST
A striking relationship between dust extinction and radio detection in DESI QSOs: evidence for a dusty blow-out phase in red QSOsarXiv:2308.14790
Dilution of chemical enrichment in galaxies 600 Myr after the Big BangarXiv:2212.028
Monthly quasi-periodic eruptions from repeated stellar disruption by a massive black holearXiv:2309.02500
Detection of the Keplerian decline in the Milky Way rotation curve arXiv:2309.00048
Very Massive Star Models: I. Impact of Rotation and Metallicity and Comparisons with Observations arXiv:2309.00062
Peekaboo: the extremely metal poor dwarf galaxy HIPASS J113-31arXiv:2212.03478
Discovery of a resolved white dwarf-brown dwarf binary with a small projected separationarXiv:2301.02101
An empirical approach to selecting the first growing black hole seeds with JWST/NIRCamarXiv:2208.02822
Final Moments I: Precursor Emission, Envelope Inflation, and Enhanced Mass loss Preceding the Luminous Type II Supernova 2020tlfarXiv:2109.12136
Sixteen overlooked open clusters in the fourth Galactic quadrant. A combined analysis of UBVI photometry and Gaia DR2 with ASteCA arXiv:2003.12138
A review of quasi-periodic oscillations from black hole X-ray binaries: observation and theoryarXiv:2001.08758
Planck intermediate results. LVI. Detection of the CMB dipole through modulation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect: Eppur si muove II arXiv:2003.12646
Microarcsecond Astrometry: Science Highlights from Gaia arXiv:2102.11712
Does NGC 6397 contain an intermediate-mass black hole or a more diffuse inner subcluster?DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039650
The HD 98800 quadruple pre-main sequence system. Towards full orbital characterisation using long-baseline infrared interferometryarXiv:2109.02841
A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images II. Variable objects in the northern ecliptic hemispherearXiv:2105.01077
First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring arXiv:2105.01169
Image Subtraction in Fourier Space arXiv:2109.09334
The GRAVITY Young Stellar Object survey. VII. The inner dusty disks of T Tauri stars arXiv:2109.11826
Light curves of ten Centaurs from K2 measurements arXiv:2002.11388
ASAS J071404+7004.3 -- a close, bright nova-like with gusty winds arXiv:2109.14514
Detection of a ∼100,000 mblack hole in M31’S most massive globulaR cluster: A tidally stripped nucleusarXiv:2111.08720
Evidence for geologically recent explosive volcanism in Elysium Planitia, Mars arXiv:2011.05956
The Unanticipated Phenomenology of the Blazar PKS2131–021:A Unique Supermassive Black Hole Binary CandidateiarXiv:2111.02436
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Microwave Intensity and Polarization Maps of the Galactic CenterarXiv:2105.05267
Discovery and confirmation of the shortest gamma ray burst from a collapsar arXiv:2105.05067
The period-gap cataclysmic variable CzeV404 Her: A link between SW Sex and SU UMa systemsarXiv:2107.02664
Mining for strong gravitational lenses with self-supervised learningi arXiv:2110.00023
Fundamental parameters of the massive eclipsing binary HM1 8 arXiv:2109.13054
Strong lens systems search in the Dark Energy Survey using Convolutional Neural NetworksarXiv:2109.00014
ΛCDM: Much more than we expected, but now less than what we want arXiv:2109.01760
OGLE-2019-BLG-0304: Competing Interpretations between a Planet-binary Model and a Binary-source + Binary-lens modeliarXiv:2109.02209
Two circumbinary planets in RR Cae eclipsing binary system arXiv:2109.09397
New Observational Constraints on the Winds of M Dwarf StarsarXiv:2105.00019
Mode identification and seismic study of δ Scuti, the prototype of a class of pulsating stars arXiv:2105.00905
The Araucaria Project. Distances to Nine Galaxies Based on a Statistical Analysis of their Carbon Stars (JAGB Method)arXiv:2105.02120
Studies of RR Lyrae Variables in Binary Systems I.: Evidence of a Trimodal Companion Mass DistributionarXiv:2105.03750
GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Msol Black Hole with a 2.6 Msol Compact Object arXiv:2006.12611
GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Msol Black Hole with a 2.6 Msol Compact Object arXiv:2006.12611
Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msol binary black hole merger GW190521 arXiv: 2009.01190
GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ∼ 3.4 Msol arXiv:2001.01761
Tests of general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1i arXiv:1903.04467
Exploration of Aspherical Ejecta Properties in Type Ia Supernova: Progenitor Dependence and Applications to Progenitor ClassificationarXiv:2011.06513
Evidence of a Clear Atmosphere for WASP-62b: the Only Known Transiting Gas Giant in the JWST Continuous Viewing ZonearXiv:2011.06424
TESS first look at evolved compact pulsators: Known ZZ Ceti stars of the southern ecliptic hemisphere as seen by TESS arXiv:2003.11481
Gamma-Ray Dark Matter Searches in Milky Way Satellites -- A Comparative Review of Data Analysis Methods and Current ResultsarXiv:2003.13482
The Local Universe from Calar Alto (LUCA)arXiv:2002.10795
A review of the disc instability model for dwarf novae, soft X-ray transients and related objectsarXiv:1910.01852
An Introductory Review on Cosmic ReionizationarXiv:1907.06653
ALMA Detection of Extreme Blue-Shifted Ionized Gas Within 0.2 pc of Sgr A* from -480 to -300 km/siarXiv:1901.03715
K2-290: a warm Jupiter and a mini-Neptune in a triple-star systemarXiv:1901.03716
Formation of Hot Jupiters through Secular Chaos and Dynamical TidesarXiv:1901.05006
WFIRST Exoplanet Mass Measurement Method Finds a Planetary Mass of 39+-8Msun for OGLE-2012-BLG-0950Lb arXiv:1809.02654
Prospecting for exo-Earths in multiple planet systems with a gas giant arXiv:1809.03730
The effect of metallicity on Cepheid Period-Luminosity relations from a Baade-Wesselink analysis of Cepheids in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds arXiv:1809.04073
OGLE-2016-BLG-0156: Microlensing Event With Pronounced Microlens-Parallax Effects Yielding Precise Lens Mass MeasurementarXiv:1901.06457
Full Orbital Solution for the Binary System in the Northern Galactic Disk Microlensing Event Gaia16ayeiarXiv:1901.07281
On the Oosterhoff dichotomy in the Galactic bulge: I. spatial distributionarXiv:1901.09726
Short Term Variability of Evolved Massive Stars with TESSarXiv:1901.09930
Pan-STARRS PSF-Matching for Subtraction and StackingarXiv:1901.09999
Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in the Time DomainarXiv:1901.10216
Possible Internal Structures and Compositions of Proxima Centauri b arXiv:1609.09757 + o odkryciu
GALI: a Gamma-ray Burst Localizing Instrument arXiv:2102.12373