"Komiks Forum" is edited and published by Witek Idczak - the scenarist, publicist and promotor of many comic events. This is a very specific magazine. Every issue is devoted to different theme and edited due to different occasion.
The first number appeared in October 1994 on the occasion of the Convent of the Comic Creators and presented works of CONTUR group. The second issue was published in May 1995 and was presented on the Comic Fair in Lodz. It was a catalogue of exhibition of comics and graphics by Przemyslaw Truscinski. In the next issue we could read the comic by Wojciech Birek entitled "Naznaczony mrokiem" which had been created for ten years. The fourth "Komiks Forum" was devoted to creators from "Studio Komiks Polski" group. The next number contained works of Warsaw creators: Gawronkiewicz, Kowalski, Lesniak and others. The sixth issue was edited on the occasion of one-hundred anniversary of the comic. The seventh number had its premiere on the "Christmas and comic" organized in December 1997 and was the catalogue of the second exhibition of Truscinski. The last issue was catalogue of the Convent of the Comic Creators in 1998.
"Komiks Forum" promotes Polish comic authors, publishes information about the comic surroundings and handles all topics connected with comic. We can find biographical data of authors in the magazine as well.
Image from "Gra" (B. Minkiewicz)
The list of comics:
Marek Adamik
Opowiesci z Rozanego Swiata: Pierwszy Kontakt - 5.
Weronika sama w domu - 6.
Przemyslaw Aleksandrowicz (art), Michal Kozera (sc.)
Rejs - 8.
Wojciech Birek
Naznaczony mrokiem - 3.
Jacek Celadyn
Wziac i umrzec w Padzirachowicach - 8.
Olgierd Ciszak
Kapitan Lux - 8.
Aleksandra Czubek (art), Jerzy Szylak (sc.)
bez tytulu - 6.
Andrzej Deredos (art), Witek Idczak (sc.)
bez tytulu - 6.
Witold Domanski
Impresje - 1.
Piotr Drzewiecki (art), Andrzej Baron (sc.)
Tato - 8.
Tomasz Ferenc (art), Krzysztof Skrzypczyk (sc.)
Nokturn - 6.
Jacek Fras
Batman - the legend of the dark knife... - 6.
Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz
Ostlandia - 5.
Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz (art), Grzegorz Janusz (sc.)
Kinoman - 5.
Krzysztof Gawronkiewicz (art), Maciej Parowski (sc.)